CILIPS Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland
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Regional Branches

As a CILIP in Scotland member you are automatically a member of your local branch. Check out their pages below for updates or contact the branch committee directly.

Branch Rules

The remit of each branch is to contribute to the formulation of CILIPS policy, act as a link between Council and membership, stimulate wider involvement of members and students by organising professional and social events and disseminating information on branch activities. Each branch has a committee that plans and manages the branch activities. Why not consider joining your branch’s committee? Joining can bring many professional and personal benefits and your local branch would be happy to hear from you. You can read more about volunteering on your committee and the benefits associated here and, if you’re interested in becoming more involved, you can email the Chair or Secretary whose details you can find on the respective Branch page or Branch email which you will find below. Alternatively, get in touch with us at and we will be happy to advise further.

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