CILIPS Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland
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Health Librarians Add Value – call for submissions

Category: News

We are working with NHS Education for Scotland on a campaign to showcase the numerous important ways in which health librarians contribute to and support healthcare across Scotland.

#HealthLibrariansAddValue will bring together a bank of case studies demonstrating this and highlighting different projects, services, and current initiatives being carried out by information professionals working in the health and care sector.

If you are an information professional working in health and have a project or piece of work you would like to highlight to the wider profession and key stakeholders then please share it with us. This may be something you have done in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a project you were working on prior to lockdown, or even just an everyday part of your role or the library service that is invaluable to your users.

Whatever it is, we would love to hear from you! 

Use this form to submit your case study, telling us about the work you would like to showcase, the importance of this, and how it has been valued by service users. We will be gathering these case studies together over the next couple of months and will post them during our #HealthLibrariansAddValue campaign later in the year.

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