Published Jan 7th 2025. Sean McNamara, Director of CILIPS has written to Stirling Council providing a response to their proposal to reduce library spending by 25%, including likely reductions in opening hours. Saying, You have a statutory duty to secure the provision of adequate public library facilities for all those who are resident in your area, in a way that is also compliant with the Equality Act."
Author: CILIPS
Published Nov 25th 2024. CILIPS Director writes to the Scottish Government concerning the recent rise in Library cuts and closures urging them to better support Libraries. Saying, "Libraries in Scotland are used by millions and are the most popular service local government provides, having seen both usage and demand increase in the past decade for what is often the only remaining non-clinical, non-commercial space left.."
Published Nov 20th 2024. "This would be nearly half of the total branches and leaves many of the communities who elect you without a vital service that they rely on for equitable access to books, resources, IT and much more.,' writes CILIPS Director Sean McNamara regarding recent proposals to close 13 libraries in Aberdeenshire.
Published Nov 15th 2024. 'If implemented, these closures would leave Moray with the poorest public library provision per population anywhere in Scotland and risk over 17,700 residents being left lacking a library branch within a one-hour round trip...' CILIPS Sector Development Manager Kirsten MacQuarrie expresses grave concern to Moray Councillors regarding proposed public-school library closures.
Category: Consultation Responses
Author: Kirsten MacQuarrie
Publisher: CILIPS
Published Oct 30th 2024. 'Midlothian has the fastest growing population in Scotland and constituents will need access to the library services they are legally entitled to. In our opinion, this would not be the time to scale that back.' CILIPS Director Sean McNamara writes to Midlothian Councillors regarding recent proposals to change the way that libraries operate in the local authority.
Published Oct 28th 2024.
Published Oct 10th 2024. 'We must try and emerge from this challenging period with robust library services still in place, as they are indisputable evidence of a country that values its communities and people, and believes in reducing inequality...' CILIPS Director Sean McNamara writes an open letter to North Ayrshire Councillors, highlighting the legal and ethical risks of suggested branch closures.
Published Oct 7th 2024. This document is an accompanying guide to part one and two of our podcast 'Taking Root: Scotland's Green Libraries,' which explores innovations, reflections and projects within libraries to support community and LIS sector climate action. In order to be as accessible as possible, we wanted to ensure that the environmental jargon being used was understood by listeners in order to fully benefit.
Category: #CILIPSGoGreen