CILIPS Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland
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PLANS – the Public Library Advocacy Network for Scotland

We know that advocacy matters when it comes to spreading the word about how essential Scotland’s public libraries are to society, literacy, health and wellbeing, and so much more. That’s why we’ve come up with PLANS!

The Public Library Advocacy Network for Scotland brings together organisations and individuals across the nation who care about Scotland’s library landscape and want to help advocate for the benefits for libraries.

Building on the strong foundations of our recent campaininhg, we are sharing ideas about how best to champion the vital role that our public libraries and library workers play and ensure that every aspect of our advocacy is heard as widely (and loudly!) as possible by the public and decision makers.

We want to empower the network to:

  • Undertake proactive, positive advocacy activities on behalf of public libraries and library workers.
  • Share intel and resources so we can collectively or individually promote the value and impact of library workers on key national agendas to decision makers in local or national government.
  • Consider options for research to provide evidence that would be used to support the case for public libraries and their staff.
  • Generate ideas for events that might promote the value of public libraries and their workers.

Interested in learning more or joining as a supportive organisation? Email us at and let’s share our PLANS.


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