CILIPS Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland
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10 Things with the Scottish Government Library

Category: News

The Scottish Government Library (SGL) has developed an online self-directed 10-week course to help you develop your social media and information searching skills. The aim is to get you to spend some time each week working on improving these skills for 10 weeks.

SGL will post details about one or more of the tools from their 10 Things course. You will then be encouraged to try these out and reflect on using them. The idea is based on the original 23 Things course which the Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County in the USA ran in 2006.

You can work through 10 Things at your own pace. This is designed to be a realistic challenge that fits easily into your schedule. This means that you don’t have to complete the content for each week during that week, it will always remain available to you and there is no deadline for completing the course.

The next course starts at noon on Monday 4th May 2020. Please visit the SGL website for details on how to sign up, the course programme, and more details about what signing up will involve.

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