CILIPS Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland
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CILIPS Events – Code of Conduct

This code of conduct covers both in person and online events including the CILIPS Annual Conference.

Our events are an opportunity for library and information professionals to be inspired, hear new ideas and different perspectives, connect with each other and learn from each other. We do not tolerate harassment in any form. All participants – organisers, speakers, chairs, exhibitors and delegates – have a responsibility to ensure a safe, welcoming, inclusive and enjoyable environment for everybody and as well as compliance with CILIP’s Ethical Principles.

This Code of Conduct has been written to set clear expectations of attendee behaviour at the conference. These points are written in no particular order of priority.

  1. We do not tolerate unacceptable behaviour towards delegates, exhibitors, contractors or staff in any form.
  2. Unacceptable behaviour includes, but is not limited to, intimidating, harassing, abusive, aggressive, discriminatory, derogatory or demeaning conduct by any participant at our events in person or online.
  3. Harassment includes offensive comments or statements related to gender, age, sexual orientation, race, religion or disability; the display or dissemination of sexual images; deliberate intimidation; stalking or following; harassing photography or recording; sustained disruption of talks or other events; inappropriate physical contact; and unwelcome sexual attention.
  4. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate at any part of the conference, including talks, exhibition stands, parties, and any online media.
  5. All communication should be appropriate for a professional audience including people of many different backgrounds.
  6. Be kind to others, respect each other and look out for each other.
  7. Do not film or photograph delegates without their explicit approval.
  8. Respect other people’s property.
  9. Respect the venue rules and regulations.

Reporting an incident

CILIPS will investigate all incidents reported at an event with discretion and confidentiality. CILIPS reserves the right to bar any person who violates our Code of Conduct from attending an event in its entirety or in part, and future CILIPS events.

If you would like to report an incident at an event:

  1. Inform a member of CILIPS staff. If the event is online this can be done confidentially by email to or by a private message on Zoom
  2. CILIPS staff will be at the registration desk at face to face events. All of our staff are informed of the code of conduct policy and guide for handling harassment at the conference.
  3. Provide details of the incident (either verbally or in writing) to a CILIPS staff member. All reports are confidential. Please do not disclose public information about the incident until the staff have had sufficient time in which to address the situation. This is as much for your safety and protection as it is the other attendees. When reporting the incident to staff, try to gather as much information as available but do not interview people about the incident. Staff will assist you in writing the report/collecting information. The important information consists of:
    • Identifying information (name/badge number where applicable) of the participant(s) involved
    • The behaviour that was in violation of the Code of Conduct
    • The approximate time of the behaviour (if different than the time the report was made)
    • The circumstances surrounding the incident
    • Other people involved in the incident

If you would like to report an event after an event:

  1. Email to report the incident in confidence.
  2. Include as much detail as possible about the incident (see above).
  3. We will carry out a thorough investigation and keep you informed throughout.
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