CILIPS Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland
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Case Study – NHS Scotland National Clinical Strategy

This case study was provided by Michelle Kirkwood, Knowledge Services Manager, NHS Scotland

Project outline:

NHS Scotland territorial boards and national boards came to together to provide literature search and summary support for the development of the national clinical strategy.

Initial work involved testing search strategies and summary templates, then quickly rolling out for all participants in the project to cover 26 clinical topics, within a very tight timescale.

A second literature search and summary was performed by a smaller subset of the original group on waste and variation in the NHS. This too was referenced in the final strategy document available at:

Quote from service user Dr Angus Cameron:

“I would like to end by thanking all those who so positively gave time and effort to advising the group, particularly the team of librarians who carried out two very important and extensive literature reviews to support this work.”

Quote from staff member: 

This was a good example of when needed the professional library staff quickly and efficiently come together to support their organisation and the wider community. By having professional staff within each board with expert level skills for search and summary we were able to perform this work to a high level within a very tight timescale.

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